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The DfE technical guidance and its content is intended for internal use by the DfE community.

Coding Principles

These principles are stated in no particular order, and are always open to debate. All development is a trade-off between competing pressures, these principles are meant to help you decide which trade-offs are acceptable.

They are guidance, not The Law - there will always be edge cases, but you should expect to be challenged if you go your own way.The principles are to guide future and current development - use your judgement, but in general only rewrite existing code if you really have to.

General Principles

1. Code should be correct, clear, concise - in that order

Correct means provably correct - with tests. All fixes & new features should include tests to prevent regressions. Choose clarity over cleverness - avoid monkey-patching and meta-programming unless you have a very good reason not to. Don’t Repeat Yourself - The ‘Rule of Three’ is a good approach to managing duplication. Less code is usually better - but not at the expense of clarity

2. Optimize for change

Don’t try to solve every conceivable problem up-front, instead focus on making your code easy to change when needed. Don’t prematurely optimize - choose clarity over performance, unless there is a serious performance issue that needs to be addressed.

3. Early optimisation is overkill

Don’t over-engineer. Follow the principle of Least Surprise. Choose process concurrency over threading & let the O/S handle it, unless there is good reason. When you do use threading, use language abstractions to help. Don’t roll your own crypto. Handle exceptions at the app level, no lower.

4. Everything fails, all of the time.

Accept this and code defensively when calling other services. Every HTTP call could error or hang - handle failures appropriately and fail fast. Don’t let long-running external calls impact your user experience.

5. Show, don’t tell

If you have to explain how your code works, then your code is not clear enough. Comments are for explaining why something is needed, not how it works. Commit messages should follow GDS guidance. No-one cares how clever you are - it’s far more important to work well with your team. APIs are interfaces too - Like any other interface, APIs need designing and iterating for usability. Don’t pollute the global namespace.

6. Think smaller

Stick to the Single Responsibility Principle - keep view templates, controllers and model classes as simple as possible. Keep methods short. (Concepts and patterns which may help with this: Null Object pattern, Facade pattern, Form Objects, Sandi Metz’s “Rules for Developers”). A solution composed of many small simple things is usually better than one big complex thing.

7. Names have power. Use them wisely.

Don’t be cute or jokey when naming things. Names convey meaning - well-named functions & variables can remove the need for a comment. Avoid meaningless names like ‘obj’ / ‘result’ / ‘foo’. Use single-letter variables only where the letter represents a well-known mathematical property (e.g. e = mc^2), or where their meaning is otherwise clear.

See Naming things

8. Composition over inheritance

It’s tempting to build an inheritance tree of objects extending others and redefining methods where needed - but that often just creates tech debt for the future. Choose ‘has-a’ relationships over ‘is-a’ - e.g. a Car has-a Motor, rather than Car is-a MotorVehicle

9. Any attempt to predict the future is likely to be wrong

This includes estimates of work - if they are to be used for assigning budget or predicting delivery dates, they should always come with a level of confidence, or a best/worst case range (e.g. “between x and y days” or “maybe x days, but i’m only 50% confident of that”) The larger the chunk of work you’re estimating, the more inaccurate you will be - so if it doesn’t fit into a single sprint, break it down until it does

Ruby-specific principles:

1. Handle exceptions at the application level, not component level

(This differs slightly from the Python principle in wording and philosophy)

Don’t swallow exceptions in your libraries, let them propagate up to the application. It’s usually only there that sufficient context exists to decide upon the appropriate action. Exceptions are for the unexpected & unhandleable, not flow control. Always put specific exception types in rescue statements (unless you have good reason not to)

2. Use meta-programming with extreme caution

Unless done very carefully, meta-programming makes code harder to read, debug, and understand. It also creates performance issues through purging method caches, etc. Just because you can meta-program in Ruby, doesn’t mean you should - there’s nearly always a better way.

Testing-specific principles

1. Write tests

Always write tests for any code that you write. Besides giving developers confidence that the code works, the tests will give context that otherwise would be missing. This is especially valuable a few years down the road when all of the original developers have left the project.

2. Use test-driven development or behaviour-driven development

Use test-driven development or behaviour-driven development if possible. It ensures that before you write your code that you have success criteria, and that your code is testable.

3. Follow the testing pyramid

The testing pyramid makes the point to write many low level unit tests, fewer integration tests, and even fewer acceptance tests.

4. Decide on a testing strategy

At the beginning of a new project, it’s good to decide on a testing strategy as a team. Decide what kind of testing tools to use and what types of tests to write, using the testing pyramid as the basis.

5. Mock consistently

When doing TDD, developers tend to follow either the London or the Chicago school of TDD.

If you follow the London (mockist) style of TDD, make sure you have sufficient integration tests to compensate for all the mocking.

Decide as a team which style you prefer and use it consistently across the project, rather than mixing the two.

6. Measure test coverage

Measure the test coverage of your project. Come up with a target coverage percentage as a team and make your build fail if coverage doesn’t meet the target.

If feasible, aim for 100%. If coverage is near 100%, consider making the build fail only if coverage goes down.

If possible, run your acceptance tests separately and do not include them in the test coverage, as they tend to give a lot of coverage without having any unit tests.