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The DfE technical guidance and its content is intended for internal use by the DfE community.

API Guidance: Developing a DfE API

APIs are an increasingly important part of DFE services. We are supporting an API first approach to help make our services highly operable and automated. API’s, however, should start with a need or a problem to solve. They can be used in many different ways. They can be used to integrate systems and services, collect or share data, consume and publish events as well as consume other APIs.

Who is the target audience of this guidance

Anyone designing or developing an API on behalf of the Department for Education, primarily aimed at software developers working within the DfE on internal or external facing APIs designed to integrate systems.

There are a number of different ways to create an API, this guide does not give step by step guidance but should be used to help the process and ensure your API is written to DfE/GDS guidelines and standards.

User Needs

Understand who your users are and what their needs are, consider their needs in context of the end to end service. Ensure you fully understand the problem space. For example your API might be intended to be consumed by an educational software supplier who are certainly a key user, but are they the only users you should be considering when designing an API? Maybe not, ask yourself who are the end users? It could be a teacher, a pupil, a school administrator for example. Is your API designed in a way that considers their needs as well as the software vendor?

Fully understanding users and their needs is the most important ingredient to ensuring your API is fit for purpose. Work with you user not just to define the API design but also ask consumers what is sufficient to test your API. Ensure your API is testable and ceate a sandbox including aspects such as authorisation if applicable.

If your API is intended to be used by DfE suppliers and providers then make sure you establish working relationships with them at the beginning of your API journey and ensure your service is fully aware of their responsibilities of maintaining these relationships throughout the life of the API.

API Design

There are many good resources on good API design. Even if you are an experienced API developer its a good idea to keep up to date on good design practice. Here are a few resources:

Google APIs 101

API Evangelist

GOV.UK API Design Guidance

Design around your users and your data. The illustration below shows a simple design pattern. Understanding data flow, security and master / authoritive sources is a key part of the design process. For example if your API exposes data to consumers then it ensures you expose the right data from the right source.

Naming an API

API names are important, especially those APIs that are external as they are representing the DfE and need to be reflective of the APIs purpose. Your API name is an opportunity to convey a lot of information in a concise manner. It helps to set the context for what to expect within the API. The name must also adhere to GDS standards in order to be granted an sub domain name.

First, follow the GDS guidance here When naming an API

DfE API standards

At DfE we inherit from the GDS API technical and data standards

You must follow these guidelines when developing an API for use in DfE. It helps us deliver secure, user centred API’s that support our user centred digital services.

How and where to publish a DfE API

The best API designers also use their own APIs. Consider your new API in the context of existing DfE APIs and services to ensure you are not duplicating or confusing potential users. To help determine whether you should build a new API or add a resource to an existing one, check for existing APIs in your local repositories and the following public repositories:

  • Find and Use an API A new service,currently in Public Beta, which provides a GOV.UK branded public facing front door for users to discover DfE APIs (see next section for further details)
  • DfE-Digital GitHub organisation Contains repositories with DfE’s API source and documentation.
  • GOV.UK API catalogue A new alpha service providing a cross-government view of available APIs. If you publish here you can list your API and link back to Find and Use an API. The DfE has several disparate API catalogues and repositories. We are working to rationalize these using the Find and Use an API service to make it easier for potential users and publishers of APIs to connect.

Find and Use an API

The DfE has a number of disparate API catalogues and repositories. We have recognised this and are working to rationalise these using the new Find and Use an API service to make it easier and provide a consistent way for potential users and publishers of APIs to get connected.

Find and Use an API is currently in Public Beta. It provides a GOV.UK branded public facing front door for users to discover and consume data from DfE APIs. APIs can be public facing, or available to DfE internal users only. A management portal is provided to allow developers to configure, document, provide information on authentication and publish APIs, and to manage subscription requests from users.

Developers of new DfE APIs should aim to host their services on Find and Use an API, leveraging the security benefits and infrastructure cost savings of a shared service. Existing APIs should be listed on the service to allow discoverability and satisfy CDDO reporting requirements.

Development / Test / Pre-Production service

The Find and Use an API Pre-Production service should be used for all non-production purposes, e.g. development, test, UAT, OAT, or pre-production workloads.

  • The pre-production version of the public-facing consumer portal can be found at
  • The pre-production version of the DfE developer-facing management portal can be found at
  • Pre-production hosted APIs are available at

Production service

The Find and Use an API Production service should only be used for production workloads. - The public-facing consumer portal can be found at - The DfE developer-facing management portal can be found at - APIs are available at


DfE developers can request a workspace in the pre-production instance at any time and start to use the service. Please contact to arrange a guided onboarding session for your team if required.

API Specification and documentation

Use OAS (Open API Standard v3) to specify your RESTful API. It defines a standard, language-agnostic interface to RESTful APIs which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of the service without access to source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection. When properly defined, a consumer can understand and interact with the remote service with a minimal amount of implementation logic.

An OpenAPI definition can then be used by documentation generation tools to display the API, code generation tools to generate servers and clients in various programming languages, testing tools, and many other use cases. Publish your documentation with your API in the Find and Use an API portal.

API Security

Make sure that your API is secure. GDS provides specific guidelines in API technical and data standards.

JSON Security

GDS API standards recommend that

  • JSON is used
  • APIs need to be designed so that JSON Objects are submitted rather than individual elements or arrays
  • JSON data needs to be parsed securely

We recommend

  • JSON must be well-formed as defined by RFC 4627
  • Ensure that JSON document structure is valid and matches that expected, for example using a JSONSchema, an OpenAPI specification or deserialising to a Data Transfer Object.
  • Use language standard JSON parsers that are well supported
  • Ensure that JSON data elements are valid strong types where possible such as int or date and use specific version of these if possible such as ISO 8601:2004 or unsigned 32 bit intergers
  • Ensure that JSON data elements that are strings are limited in entry options using a list or Regular Expressions, ensure that your Regular Expressions are well designed so that strings being parsed cannot compromise downstream systems.
  • Where binary objects are embedded in JSON it is unlikely that the above validation steps will be sufficient and virus scanning of the embedded element or the entire JSON file should be considered

Understand your data

If your API is providing access to DfE data then ensure it is done so securely and it is data that can be shared (you should contact the DfE SIRO office to check). Never expose sensitive data unless you have implemented the necessary authentication and that the data owner is fully aware and has approved its publication.

Do not expose obsolete data items and internal identifiers in public facing / external APIs. This is true even if they are part of an existing process you are automating. Doing so, leads to poor integrations, increases the likelihood of errors and unecessarily ties the department to deprocated data structures.

Design your API to use data fields with users in mind. Ensuring fields are relevant for example your response might need to return all relevant options to a user. Document all query arguments, parameters, and schema objects.

As the details of each operation become more concrete, use the opportunity to fully capture the details about query arguments and parameters. This includes things such as:

The name and type, a clear description, including a human-readable summary of any specific format rules or restrictions Min/max values, defaults when the value isn’t provided, and other related details.

Return Codes (HTTP)

Use standard http return codes as per the list maintained by W3C.

All API response status codes are separated into five classes (or categories) in a global standard. The first digit of the status code defines the class of response. The last two digits do not have any class or categorization role.

  • 1xx (Informational): The request is received and continues to be processed
  • 2xx (Successful): The request is successfully received, understood, and accepted
  • 3xx (Redirection): Further action needs to be taken to complete the request
  • 4xx (Client Error): The request contains the wrong syntax or cannot be fulfilled
  • 5xx (Server Error): The server fails to fulfill an apparently valid request


To successfully test an API, you need to fully understand its purpose and workflow. Leverage toolsets and automate where possible. Test your APIs compliance, performance and scalability and create positive and negative tests.


If you are an experienced API developer you will already have a preferred toolset. For those starting out creating API’s here is a list of useful tools to check out.

Postman Free (non enterprise versions) set of tools to develop/test APIs, includes a handy mock server feature.

Open API 3 Specification Full specification documentation with helpful snippets and links to tools.

Visual Studio Code Free IDE with a number of useful extensions for working with APIs e.g:

vs-rest-api (vs extension via marketplace -free)

Swagger Hub Similar to Postman, suite of API tools.