Docker Desktop
The following information has been put together using;
Edition Windows 11 Enterprise Version 22H2 Installed on 13/03/2023 OS build 22621.2283 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22662.1000.0
all instruction are for use with DFE laptops with developer settings
all images are built using standard docker tooling
development IDE is visual studio code
visual studio code has docker extension installed
development code is running nodejs
development code is using npm as its package manager
Installing Docker
You will need access to docker-users group on the system user groups of your machine in order to run docker and possibly an update to the wsl kernal (achieve this by requesting a meeting with system administrator who will be able to screen share and run the update for you)
Requests should be made through the service portal
Use User Access to restricted Groups
RequestedFor should be pre filled with your name
RequestedTo should be pre filled with your name, ‘If you are doing this for another member of staff you can now change to there name
In do you want to add or remove access drop down select 'Add Access’
In Which Group(s) would you like to add the user to type ‘docker-users’
In Is there any other information you would like to provide? type ‘required to run Docker Desktop to complete daily software engineering tasks’
Now submit your request
and for the driver installation you should
Use Install device driver on my device
RequestedFor should be pre filled with your name, ‘If you are doing this for another member of staff you can now change to there name
Contect Number Usually phone number that you can be reached on
In Options for device drop down select 'Other’
In Laptop/Tablet Asset Number add you laptop number “this can be found in windows by going to ‘control panel > system > device name’”
In Please confirm the type of Device, including Make and Model enter the make and model information from systems about
In Please explain the reason why you need the driver installing type “required to run Docker Desktop to complete daily software engineering tasks”
Now submit your request
All will need to be raised by your Delivery Manager or Team Lead. Once complete it will appear in your software centre for you to install. For more information go here install docker on windows
Operating Desktop-Docker
Once installed start the application by clicking on the desktop icon added during installation.
Build An Image
To get started, follow the steps below:
Navigate to the Visual Studio code
Click on
, this is found in the main menu at the top of the visual studio code IDEMake sure you have Docker Desktop running
Ensure your cursor is in the terminal window at the end of the current directory
Use command line to navigate to your local source repo ‘CD’
Create a new folder ‘mkdir’ new it the project name
Navigate to the newly created folder
Now in the ternimal window and the root of the folder type ‘code .’ this will open a new VSC IDE in the current project folder
type in the terminal window ‘npm init -y’ this will build a simple project structure
once complete type in the terminal ‘npm install express’
Create a file called index.js and add it to the root directory
Open index.js in the editor and add this line to the top of the file
const express = require('express');
- Now below that add
const app = express();
- and on the next line add
- Add to the next line
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3000;
- Now and add
app.listen(PORT, () => {
console.log("Server Listening on PORT:", PORT);
- Now you need to define a route in your project for this we will add a status to return running add the following to the index.js
app.get("/status", (request, response) => {
const status = {
"Status": "Running"
- Open package.json file and add to the script section of the file
"start": "node index.js"
making sure to add a comma to the end of the line above
now in the terminal window type ‘npm start’
you should see a project start command a node command and server listening on the port number 3000
to close the server with the cursor in the terminal window select ‘CTRL + C’ and select ‘Y’
Once successfully set up you are ready to add docker
Select ‘View’ from the top menu of yyou visual studio code IDE
Click command Pallet
In the command pallet at the > type Docker a list will appear select ‘Add Docker Compose Files To Workspace’
next select application platform ‘NODEJS’
Next select the script that hold your start command ‘package.json’ file
Next select the port default is 3000
VSC will then prompt you to add a docker file select yes
VSC has now added all the files necessary to run your project in docker by issuing commands to your compose file
To test this select one of the compose files right click and select ‘Compose Up’
VSC will now build your image and your container and start it running which can be seen in the terminal window
Once started you can go back to your browser and enter ‘http://localhost:3000/status’ the browser should return
{ "Status": "Running" }
For more information on docker and compose goto: How to use docker and compose
For more information on docker extension in Vsc goto: Overview of contaoners in VSC
For more information on docker and node starter kit in vsc goto: Quick node starter page